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March 2025 Moodboard (Desktop & iPhone Wallpapers!)

fran acciardo march 2025 mood board winter spring pink and green desktop wallpaper iphone wallpaper aesthetic download love flowers st Patrick’s day springy floral pastel vibes

Good morning, March!! I am so excited for spring just around the corner - it was so cold here in NYC a few weeks ago and it made me very ready to swap out my puffers for my cropped trench, cashmere beanies for baseball caps, and boots for ballet flats again!

February was a fabulous month with a ski trip to Montreal with my dad, and celebrating my five-year (crazy!!) anniversary with Joe last night. I'm excited for a trip to Aspen this week (I've never been!) and another trip back to Vermont at the end of the month to wrap up my ski season. I can't wait for a little warmer weather and spring flowers, too.

Anyway, I hope you love this month's moodboard! Please tag me on Instagram if you download this month's moodboard -- I absolutely love to see it on your screens! The moodboard love really does make this so much more fun!

(To set your desktop wallpaper on a Mac, right-click on the image at the top of the post, "save image as..." to your desktop, then go to your desktop, right-click the image, and "set desktop wallpaper" !)

iPhone-sized wallpaper here: 

fran acciardo march 2025 mood board winter spring pink and green desktop wallpaper iphone wallpaper aesthetic download love flowers st Patrick’s day springy floral pastel vibes


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