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November Moodboard (Desktop Wallpaper!)

Hellooooo and happy (?) election day. Wow, I just can't believe it's actually November 2nd. If you have not yet voted, check out this website to find where you're supposed to go today! Half the time I feel like it's still March or April, but at the same time this summer feels like 10 years ago... either way, it's finally November and the most important thing you can do is VOTE! 

I didn't really know exactly what to go for with the moodboard this month... October is easy because it's all fall, leaves, orange things, and pumpkins... and then December is snow and Christmas decorations and presents, but November? I ended up going with voting and pie. HAHA. Easy enough!! Oh, and gathering wood for all the fires we will be making soon.

(To set this as your desktop wallpaper on a Mac, right-click on the image at the top of this post -- it's higher res than the one below -- "save image as..." to your desktop, then go to your desktop, right-click the image, and "set desktop wallpaper" !)

Wishing you all a safe rest of the week...

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