Happy Monday! This weekend I ventured up to Madison to get the last of my things out of my apartment before I move into my new one next Friday. I went to Madison with my brother since he'd never been on Madison's campus before and wanted to see it before he goes abroad this semester. My brother has always had the best taste in music, in my opinion, and played songs the whole way there and back that I was completely loving. He has had a radio show on his campus's radio station since his freshman year, and now that he's going to be a senior, he's the manager of the whole station. He's much more into rap, jazz, and hip hop than I am, but I loved the songs he was playing in the car.

I decided to make my own playlist combining some of my personal favorite songs in these genres and some of the songs he introduced me to. I've always loved Anderson Paak and Frank Ocean, but I didn't realize how much I love Travis Scott, for example, and jazz music too! It's kind of an interesting mix, but I am absolutely obsessed with this playlist right now.
I also randomly included these photos in this dress (+ these sneaks) from a couple weeks ago... doesn't really make sense but I felt like it, ya know? Okay, cool. You can scroll down for the playlist now.

Click here to listen to this playlist on Apple Music (or here to follow my profile)
Click here to listen on Spotify
If you give it a listen, you have to let me know what you think!Click here to listen on Spotify
I just have to say Money Trees by Kendrick Lamar is probably my favorite song on this playlist and I can not stopping listening to it.

Okay, bye! Enjoy!
Such a great mix of songs!
thank you!