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Braving the Weather with Hunter

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April "showers" in Wisconsin aren't really a thing this spring... it's more like blizzards and windstorms, and every time I walk to class I feel like I'm going to get whiplash by the time I arrive! I knew I needed a trusty windbreaker or rain jacket to protect me from the weather, so when Hunter reached out to me about a collaboration, I was over the moon excited. Hunter has always been a brand that I admire, and working together has been such an exciting and fun opportunity! I am so grateful.

When Hunter let me pick out a few products, my jaw dropped at this clear rainjacket. How perfect is it?! The white/clear color is so cool and the material could not be more comfortable. Not to mention, it's so flattering for a rain jacket (not bulky at all) and the style is really, really flattering. Just look at that little high-low detail!

The day we shot these photos it was snowing all day and I actually loved how the pictures made it look like we were in the tundra... that's exactly what it felt like! Luckily, it's finally starting to warm up a bit and hopefully I'll be able to brave the weather enough to wear this jacket all the way to classes someday this week.

I also picked out a pair of classic Hunter boots in this slate color, which I absolutely love. They go with everything!

The high low hem!! It's so cute, you guys.

jacket c/o // boots c/o // jeans // turtleneck

A special thank you goes to Hunter for sponsoring this post! You can click here for my special discount code. As always, thank you for supporting Fran Acciardo and all opinions are completely my own.

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What do you turn to in your closet when the weather is bad?

1 comment

  1. I've never looked at any Hunter products except for their rain boots, which I love. That jacket is great - I might have to pick it up!
    xx, Lauren |


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