I am so excited to recap the first half of my trip to New York! I went on a huge trip last summer for Rhode Island, Maine, and New York and never got around to recapping it, so I wanted to be sure to do that this time around... This year alone I have recapped my trips to Vermont, Miami, and Easter in New York and I have been recapping almost all of my vacations in the past few years on this blog. If anything, it's a useful travel guide for any of you and a fun memory to me!

I arrived in New York on a Friday evening and, of course, due to a flight delay, almost missed a dinner reservation with my aunt. I quickly hopped in a taxi, dropped off my bags at her place, and we ventured from the Upper East Side (her place) to dinner in Midtown at the Bevy. The food was delicious, especially the branzino and the blueberry cobbler. After, we did your average Friday night things in New York, meaning drinks and hopping around town.

On Saturday I woke up late and headed straight to Penn Station where I hopped on a train to the Hamptons. I met my family (my dad, aunt, uncle, and cousin) at our house in Southhampton and we all went to dinner at 75 Main after spending an afternoon by the pool. With my avocado pool float... of course!

On Sunday my aunt, uncle, and cousin had to go back home, so after lobster rolls for lunch at Bay Burger my dad and I just enjoyed a casual evening at the house by the pool. We walked around Sag Harbor, explored for a bit, and did a bike ride on the water before settling in for the night.

On Monday I took the jitney back to New York City where I wandered around, shopped, and pretty much just explored. My aunt who lives on the Upper East Side had left for Mexico, and my dad had left for a business meeting in Boston, meaning I had the whole night to myself in Manhattan. After a long day of walking around and traveling I didn't end up doing anything exciting... at all. I just plopped on the couch with the Bachelorette on TV and headed to bed.

On Tuesday I woke up, refreshed, and headed to an 8 AM class at Soul Cycle! As always, it was sweaty but inspiring. I love Soul Cycle!! If only we had one in MKE!

After Soul Cycle I showered and went to brunch solo at Bluestone Lane. I had a lemon/apple/cayenne juice– which was amazing, and avocado toast (duh). I kind of loved and hated brunching, or really eating at a restaurant at all, alone. It was one-part liberating, but also boring. I liked the idea of doing something on my own and being alone, but it was a little bit boring. Maybe it would have been better if I had sat outside and had some people-watching to entertain me!
Tuesday after brunch I went to Penn Station and took the Long Island Railroad to my best friend, Mairead's, house where we were reunited and excited for the Kings of Leon that night. We had the best time and it was so, so much fun to see her! I loved just being able to hang out at her beach, have a lowkey afternoon, and then venture over to the concert. I miss her already!
Wednesday post-brunch with Mairead and another Lehigh friend I took my train back to the city for my Dad's birthday.
I will continue to recap my trip in another post, but for now that's it!! Have you gone on any fun vacations this summer?
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