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Father's Day Gift Guide

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I would be lying if I said Father's Day hasn't completely crept up on me. I started my internship yesterday after a crazy packed-full weekend at Caroline's lake house on Saturday and a graduation party in Lincoln Park, Chicago on Sunday. I am trying to work on getting into a routine now that my "summer job" has officially begun, and I am working on feeling better about my college transfer process, but things are a little overwhelming right now in all honesty. However, I took a little time last night to pick out some fun gifts for anyone else in the same boat as me who still needs to find something fitting for Dad this weekend!

Ice Cocktail Mold // My brother got this for my dad for Christmas, and they are both obsessed with it. My dad's favorite drink is a Manhattan, and he claims that this really makes a difference when it comes to keeping his cocktail cold and not watered down. 

Bose Speaker // My dad has a pair of Bose headphones that are noise-cancelling for airplane rides, and he also has a Bose speaker for traveling and using while he showers, and he loves both. Bose is such a Dad-pleasing brand.
Ralph Lauren PJ Pants // These are my dad's all-time favorite pajama pants. Not kidding.

Birkenstock Sandals // If your dad doesn't already have a pair of Birks, I would highly suggest you get him a pair! My dad wears his all the time in the summer, so now is definitely the perfect time to add them to your dad's wardrobe. Plus, any dad wearing Birks is 100% cooler than a dad in flip-flops ;)

What are you doing for Father's Day? Although my Dad is in Dallas and I won't be heading down to Texas, my grandpa is coming to town this weekend to celebrate.

1 comment

  1. Great suggestions! I never know what to get my dad for Father's Day or really any holiday!

    Ashley //


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