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Dorm Decor: Art Prints + A Giveaway!

When I shared my dorm tour back in September (how crazy that we are in the home stretch of 2016?!), I knew I still wanted to add a few fun prints around my room or little pieces just to add a cozier feel and include a few of my favorite mantras or personal favorite things on my walls. So, when I had the opportunity to pick out a few prints from Girl Friday Paper Arts, I jumped at the chance to fill my dorm's cinderblock walls and make this tiny room feel even more like home! If you can't tell, surprise, surprise, my dorm isn't exactly as clean as it used to be... oops ;)

I chose the C'est La Vie and Brunch Enthusiast prints (because, have you met me?!), as well as the "Gratitude" print,because lately, I feel like gratitude is something we could all have a little more of.

Lotus was the sweetest to work with and clearly her products are just as much fun! Check out Your Girl Friday, and enter the giveaway below for a chance to win an 11x14 print of your choice!!

Good luck and Happy November!!


  1. I would choose the "I Like Naps" print!

  2. It is comforting to recall gratitude as a college student and person in general. Great idea, Frannie!

  3. These are so cute! Sophie x

  4. I would choose the Enjoy The Journey print!

  5. I think I need that brunch print - it is SO me!

  6. Love these prints! Want them so badly!
    - Kate Winschel (

  7. Love these prints! I would definitely go for the Brunch enthusiast!
    xo elle //

  8. Definitely agree that we could all use a little more gratitude! Love the prints!

    xoxo Veronica

  9. I'm looking through these prints and seriously can't choose! If I had to pick one, it would probably be between "Le Macaron", "Weird is the new black", "embrace the detours", "let it be", or "choose happy". Ugh too hard to choose!

  10. I love the "London is Always a Good Idea." and the "Do What You Love, Love What You Do"! They're so cute! :) Perfect simplistic decor for any room!

  11. The Gratitude print is so pretty, I've got a gallery wall that it would be a great addition to!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern And Style

  12. I would choose the "The World is you Oyster" print!

  13. Probably the Le Macaron one, because I'm taking French and LOVE eating macarons.

  14. I would get the Hokey-Pokey one.

  15. I love Your Girl Friday prints! I have them throughout my house and they make nice gifts :) I would add the brunch print!

  16. Love them all but I would get *c'est la vie!!* 💗

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I would love the "keep it simple." print. I'm all about the simple life :)

  19. I just love the "once a year...before" quote one!! as well as the "you are my sunshine" so cute


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