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Packed Party

One thing I am horrible at is staying in touch with people. I'm not sure why, but it's something that no matter how hard I try, I always feel like there friends I am forgetting to text back, people I'm forgetting to see, and relationships I need to put a little more work into to stay connected. So, when Packed Party reached out to me, I was immediately excited! What's more fun than staying in touch than by surprising someone with a little party right at their front door?

Packed Party sent me the cutest "party", the Yay, You party! Complete with candles, shot glasses, and candy (that isn't pictured because it was eaten upon arrival #noshame), I really had so much fun receiving this little gift in the mail, and I definitely want to send a few to friends! Plus, it's so easy and convenient and I know in college it will be the perfect pick me up.

How do you stay in touch with friends? Any tips for that aspect of the transition from high school to college?


  1. So fun! I need to look into some packed party boxes!
    -Angela & Amy


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