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Life Lately

This has been such a fun week, and it's only halfway through! Monday was quite hectic, with the big move across town taking place all morning and afternoon. It's been a bit overwhelming unpacking and sorting through boxes, but it has been a lot of fun trying to decorate and organize my new room. I played tennis with my brother on the lakefront early Monday evening, which was kind of a big deal considering he never asks me to hang out #bonding. It was so nice to spend a little time together considering he now leaves for college in less than a month! We followed our little sweat-sesh with dinner with our aunt who's in on business from Boston, which was so yummy at a local pizza place.

Yesterday was pretty lowkey, hanging out with Carin in the afternoon and again after field hockey for a Bravo marathon! I love the location of my new house being so close to downtown because I get to run, bike, and take my dog for walks in the cutest and most scenic areas. Today I'm hoping to squeeze in a little tennis time after work (it's just hitting me... have I never talked about my job on here?! I work at the cutest little paper store making wedding invites!) and then who knows what I'll do tonight.

 This whole week is all about preparing for field hockey tryouts too, as those start on Monday! (Crossing my fingers for varsity this year... Ahh) I'll be flying out to Rhode Island for a few days at the end of next week just before my birthday and then I'll be back right in time to start school. It's so crazy to think about how fast summer's gone!!

What's new with you?

1 comment

  1. Good luck with tryouts!! Honestly so impressive that you play field hockey, that's a tough sport!!! Do you hope to play in college?

    xoxo, Mal


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