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Best Back-to-School Shoes

As much as we all hate to admit it, school is slowly approaching for many of us. Now that I'm embarking on my senior year, I think it's safe to say I've gotten the hang of handling my uniform situation, and by that I mean that in the last four years I haven't exactly mastered the distance formula, but my shoe collection is pretty swank.

The nice thing about curating a solid round-up of shoes before the school year starts is that you'll have plenty of options that are easy to rotate through as each season comes and goes, and you'll never have to adjust a cute outfit because you don't have shoes to match (I mean, I wouldn't actually know... for me it's just navy vs white polo with the plaid skirt). Anyways, below are my top 10 shoes that every girl should have in her closet for the school year!

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Nike's // Sperry's // Hunter Boots // Riding Boots
Bean Boots // Desert Boots // Converse // Slip-Ons
Ballet Flats // Sandals

Although I don't have a pair of desert boots or slip-ons in my closet at the moment, you can bet they're at the top of my shopping list for heading back to school! I wear tennis shoes, white converse, and Sperry's almost everyday in rotation with my skirt, and my Hunters and Bean Boots are a definite necessity when weather permitting conditions arise. Not to mention, on mass days at school or days when I want to look a little nicer, a cute pair of sandals, riding boots, or nice ballet flats do the trick.

What are your must-have shoes for school?


  1. I skipped out on the Bean Boot trend last year & I totally regretted it, I'm getting in on it early this year and snagging mine so I don't have to wait when they get sold out!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. I second everything in this post! (especially the uniform part lol) It's been so fun getting to actually go back to school shopping this year! All your recommendations are spot on.


  3. I've been looking for a post like this but I found it on accident! I was over at Lilly & Lemons and saw your link in her post on blogging organization!

    What do you think about the Converse White High Tops? I'm thinking of getting those. I'm a senior in high school so we need close toed shoes and in California, as much as I love Sperry's, it's not super popular and so I was thinking the high tops because they can be played preppy or more beachy! What do you think?
    Taylor from Tay Etc.

  4. I love the desert boots! I wear a pair of Converse almost every day during school haha, they're just so comfy. When it gets cold, I switch to combat boots. Rain boots are SO important - I learned that the hard way!

    crazy scarf girl #bloggersBTS

  5. Great post! I am looking into getting Bean Boots for this year, but I already have Hunter boots so I'm not sure I need both (and honestly, I may just grab a sweater or two instead of the boots). Thanks for participating in the linkup. I hope you'll be joining us for the following weeks as well! XO, Nicole

  6. I love all of these options! I really want a pair of Bean Boots and a pair of Hunters, but I am so indecisive about buying anything haha! I will probably just end up wearing my white converse and my UGGS because of how comfy they are.
    ♥, Brooke

  7. I got a pair of bean boots back in May (after ordering them back in Feb.) I can't wait to style them this fall, they are so practical yet so cute!

    Sarah Beth //


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