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SGG Conference 2015

One thing that I am most excited for this summer is the Smart Girls Group conference, just like the one held last year! If you haven't purchased tickets yet, I would 100% recommend looking into this summer's conference held in NYC on July 10-12. The conference was one of the highlights of my summer last year and I can't think of any better way to connect with online friends, learn and hear a ton of cool presentations by amazing women, or experience New York City in a unique way! 

Personally, one of my favorite things about the conference is just getting the chance to connect with the girls I love the most but rarely get to see! You can purchase tickets here, and see more information about the conference here.

Please let me know if you'll be coming, I would love to see you! (And don't hesitate to email me with any questions! I'm happy to share more about my experience, where I stayed, etc.)

1 comment

  1. I am crossing my fingers that I'll be able to go this year, we may be vacationing in Tennessee at that time. I've never been, but I've heard great things about this conference!!


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